There was 2 bouncing betties(mines) and at first he tried to use an mp40 and blow it up.He shot at it multiple times and for some reason none of the shots hit the betty.Then he decides to switch the his pistol and fires some shots...but to no use.This is what he does....
He LITERALLY slowly runs up to the betty and triggers it,but he does it in such a smooth way,that he didnt get affected.Little did he know... there was a 2nd betty! lol. He then tries to do the same thing again!He takes out his mp40 and starts shooting a bunch of bullets at the betty. OH NO! he didn't realize the betty was behind a wall! (He had the ability to seek out explosives). So then he tries to crawl towards the betty,hoping it would trigger and hit the wall not him.EPIC FAIL!!!!!! he crawls towars it and it blows up his arm and legs! LMAO what an idiot...